Riley is getting so big. She had her 6 month checkup with Dr. Wren today. She weighed 16 pounds 2 oz which is in the 51st percentile and 26.25 inches which is in the 67th percentile! She unfortunately had to get 3 shots though and she was flexing so bad that one of her legs bruised poor girl. She was a trooper though and fell fast asleep and then did fairly well for my brother and sister all day while I was at work.
Last night she ended up sleeping 10 hours straight, which was great for me because I had an unusually hard day at work and then came home to just stress about feedings for Rile.yWe have been thinking about changing to formula, this is such a hard decision for me but it is becoming very hard working full time and trying to keep up on feedings, especially when I don't necessarily get breaks everyday if it is busy.
Usually the next day is the worse for fussiness after shots but today she has just been so lovey. She just feel asleep on my lap snuggling for her morning nap. Those are totally the moments I live for I wish she would do that every day. It makes all the hard times and hard decisions worth it!
We have tried giving Riley a sippy cup but she wasn't really taking it very well, she would much rather just drink her water out of a cup. It is hilarious watching her though, she loves water. I guess she loves just about anything with taste right now.
I stopped nursing Amy at 6months. It wasnt an easy decision but its almost impossible to get away from work some days!!